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Christian Education

Children Ministries


Children are a vital part of Saint Mark's and making sure they have a great experience will ensure they continue on a walk of faith!


We use the Spark Lectionary curriculum for our Sunday school program, which is designed for children Pre-K through Sixth grade. This program allows the children to hear the same stories and lessons in Sunday School that we are using in worship that Sunday, making a deeper connection to the entire worshiping community!


We also offer 1st Communion instruction in the Spring with the purpose of introduction our children to a deeper understanding of the Holy Supper. This is designed for children of all ages, but it is left to the discretion of the parents whether to sign up their child.

Youth Ministries


Junior High and High School are the hardest times for youth to stay connected to their faith and the church. We work hard to provide engaging and exciting opportunities for our youth to continue growing in God in the midst of an ever demanding world.


Our Confirmation program is designed for our 7th & 8th grade students using the re:form curriculum. This is a time for them to gain a deeper understanding of Scripture and our Lutheran theology and traditions.


There also also opportunities for service through various service projects and mission trips that engage our youth deeper into the world around them!

© 2014 Saint Mark's Lutheran Church.                                                                                                                                                                                           


306 Norris Avenue

Pender, NE 68047



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